I hope to keep up with my weekly pregnancy progress on here. I HOPE to :) Both to share with others, but also for myself to look back on later. In the past I have done the weekly bump photo updates, but this time around I think it will be fun to track my progress with little facts and happenings about each week. I am pretty excited!
How far along: 16 weeks 1 day today, but I am still convinced that I am really 17 weeks. ;)
The Bambean's size: 4-5 inches, 3-5 ounces. Baby is as big as an Avocado!
Maternity clothes: Psh, I think I was in them maternity jeans at about 10 weeks this time around. I pretty much had just hardly stopped wearing them since last time. I suppose they aren't lying when they say you will show sooner with each subsequent pregnancy. I haven't quite jumped in with the maternity tops just yet, but sweatshirts are definitely my best friend during this "is that a baby or beer gut?" stage.
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty well. I am finally only getting up about 2 to 3 times a night now to use the bathroom, so that has helped a lot. Falling back asleep during the first 13 weeks of the pregnancy was pretty much pointless knowing that I would feel Niagara Falls coming on again within 15 minutes or so, only to find that my super inconvenient trip to the bathroom had resulted in nothing more than a trickle. I probably could have cried more liquid in tears from being so tired, hormonal and just wanting to SLEEP. If my memory is correct this fun little game will return at some point later on, but for now I am enjoying all of the uninterrupted sleep I can get.
Cravings/aversions: I have been craving stir fry, strawberries, cereal, SOMEONE PLEASE BRING ME A SCONE! Seriously though, I want a scone and coffee pretty much every day.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Well the growing belly is a pretty obvious one. My nausea is pretty much gone completely, and while my fatigue is deciding to stick around it is definitely much less intense now. Not too much else going on.
Best moment(s) this last week: Sharing seeing the little nugget looking like a baby and not just a blob on an ultrasound with the love of my life. Also hearing from the doctor that everything looked great on that same ultrasound.
Movement: Call me crazy, but I am pretty sure I felt this little person around 12 or 13 weeks this time! I have felt a few weak jabs this week, especially if I am able to sit still and really concentrate on it.
Gender Prediction: I have been thinking boy from the start. Nothing really in particular to explain this except that I have been less sick this time, and I just feel that the odds of making 3 girls in a row are against us. I suppose my parents did it though so who knows! Also Kevin informed me of a dream he had where I had the baby and it was a boy. It was also a flesh colored elephant, but a boy flesh colored elephant for sure.
Belly button in or out: In.
Happy or moody: Both. Although I'm sure Kevin would argue moody even when I say happy :)
Looking forward to: Meeting new baby Hadley and seeing her sweet little family tonight!
Bumpity Bump: