Saturday, April 11, 2015

Ellie's Pink and Gold Dinosaur Party

Ellie has a slight obsession with dinosaurs lately, so when we decided to have a party for her third birthday, I couldn't help but use them as a theme. I wanted to mix it up a little bit, so I decided to be a little unconventional and decorate a pink and gold "girly" dinosaur party. The ideas of gold T-rexes and pink flowery dinosaur cookies were just too exciting for me to resist. I absolutely love putting my creativity, which quite honestly has been put on the back burner lately since adopting the Monny title, to work on things like this. I wanted to share a few photos of the girly dinosaur party decor that I had so much fun putting together. 

These were the invitations that had to "hatch" out of their dinosaur eggs, along with some fun confetti of course. I am such a nerd. And yes, I eat a lot of eggs.

This one time, I scooped ice cream and decorated cakes at Baskin Robbins for a living. Making and decorating these cookies sure brought me back! 

The set-up, pre chips and dip and veggie straws (those things are amazing by the way, if you haven't tried them you need to right now)

I used this cute little printable for the cupcakes.

Finally, the Elliesaurus birthday girl, before she turned into a raging, sugar-fueled maniac. We love you so much Little Bean! Happy 3rd Birthday!!

Thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate, it was such a blast. A definite whirlwind of crazy chaos, but so much fun. I wish I had remembered to capture pictures during the party, but honestly, they probably would have just been a blurry mess anyway. Three year olds sure don't stop moving. Ever. 
Now to go find a spot somewhere in my house to display that awesome gold T-Rex...

1 comment:

  1. Hilari you really are creative. You did a great job of creating the perfect "Third Birthday" party for Ellie. It was beautiful and looked yummy too. We know how busy you are anwe really appreciate that you took time to share your creation and the joy of this very special occasion. Thank You! To make our relationship a little more human I Ralph and Glenda
    P.S. All else failed so I'm trying ammoymous
